Minggu, 22 Februari 2009


Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh!

Welcome to my simple blog!!
Here, I hope I can help everybody who needs something, perharp that they want, there are here.
Let’s enjoy with my article and I hope you can be interested in my blog or my article.
If there are mistakes, everything is because of me, but if there are good things, it is because of Allah.
And sincerely I ask your critics and advices in improving my blog, my article, even my self.
Thank you very much for your attention!


“ Tak ada yang tidak mungkin selagi kita berusaha dan berdoa kepada Allah “.
“ There is not impossible if we try and take a pray to Allah ”.
I dedicate this blog to my lovely girl, yohana......
thanks for ur coming.....
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